I'm Md. Muztaba Rafid and welcome. I'm going to blog about one of my favorite pastimes today: traveling. I passionately adore traveling to new locations and capturing the moments with a camera. It enables me to mentally recharge, feel at ease, and take a vacation from all the strains and demands. I always look forward to vacations because I want to spend time with my family and the outdoors. I'll always select the mountains if someone asks me to choose between them and the sea. They are consistently at the top of my wish list. I recently gave the QUEEN OF HILLS: DARJEELING a tour. My elder sister and I like spending time together. Consequently, because I took this trip with my family, it is one of my favorites. Due to its unusual beauty and lovely environment, Darjeeling has long been thought of as the ideal spot for relaxation. We initially had some challenges because we were unprepared for the chilly weather...